ToddO. Bacon
Todd Bacon is a Graduate of Ozark Chrisitian College, Joplin Missouri.
He was Ordeigned in the Church of Christ Chrisitian Church in 1983 at South City Chrisitan Church in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
In his years of ministry he has been on stage as an actor in Chrisitian Theater, helped establish a chrisitian community in Taiwan, as well as spread God's Word in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
Todd Has been used as a resourse for pastors in churches leading workshops in acting, playwriting and in lay readings.
Michael W. Brown, Jr.
In addition to the paid staff we also have:
Lay Pastor Gabe Sims who is Pastor of Community Outreach and the Church Chair
Lay Pastor Davis Reed the Pastor of Educations and Client intake Board Member of White Rock Friends
and Pastor Emmeritus Felix Miles .
Rosemary Mendoza Director of meals for White Rock Friends.